A publication discussing phallic representation in art and design through the lens of cultural penis drawing. Featuring 135 penis drawings from 15+ artists and designers, 4 interviews with creatives, and 4 written articles. This book attempt to critique a simple question: why do we draw penises?
● Design Direction and Layout
● Printing and Production
● Content Development
First, the concept of this publication is crude. It was an opportunity to explore an odd cultural habit: the doodling of penises, to an nth degree. I set up conversations with people in psychiatry, art, photography, and illustration, all trying to examine the larger question. I hosted an art build wherein 15 artists drew as many penises as possible. I wrote about my perspectives on the habit. All of this was ultimately cataloged in the publication, whose design was kept minimal and mature to offset the aforementioned crudeness of the whole topic.